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  • 연구실적

  • Image of dental hygienists according to information sources at online or offline: focusing on college preparatory students. J Kor Dent Hyg Sci. 2023;6(2):13-23
    Tooth Lightness Changes with Listerine Healthy White after Application of Tooth-Coloring-Inducing Foods. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2023;23(4):351-360
    Development of an interprofessional education evaluation tool. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg. 2023;23(4):277-86
    Survey about Image of Male Dental Hygienists. Korean J Healthcare Ethics. 2023;2(1):11-18
    Evaluation of Pain Reduction and Clinical Efficacy of Feedback-Controlled Ultrasonic Scaler. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2023;23(2):176-184
    Erosive Effect of Salad Dressing on Flowable Composite Resin Surfaces. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2023;23(1):29-38
    Effect of self-learning media based on 360 degrees virtual reality for learning periodontal instrument skills. Eur J Dent Educ. 2023;27(1):1–8.
    Study on the Recognition and Purchase Status of Eco-Friendly Oral Hygiene Products. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2022;22(4):241-248
    Investigation of Dental Hygienists’ Practice about Rules on Dental Disputes Prevention. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2022;22(4):206-214
    Evaluation of the suitability of Gardenia blue pigment derived from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis (Rubiaceae) as a dental plaque disclosant. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2022;8:1035–1039
    Effect of Application over Time for Each Type of Blending Tea on Bovine Tooth Coloration. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2022;22(1):57-66
    A Systematic Review on Oral Health Care Programs for the Elderly in Korea (2009∼2020). J Dent Hyg Sci. 2021;21(4):199-212
    The Actual Status of Elderly Orofacial-Function Improvement Program in Seoul and Gyenggi-Area. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2021;21(4):267-274
    A Survey on the Status and the Importance of Initial History Taking in Dental Clinics in S Area. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2020;20(4):261-268
    Surface Damage and Bleaching Effect according to the Application Type of Home Tooth Bleaching Applicants. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2020;20(4):252-260
    Cytotoxicity of dental disclosing solution on gingival epithelial cells in vitro. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2020;1–8.
    A pilot study of occupational exposure to pathogenic microorganisms through lip cosmetics among dental hygienists. J Occup Health. 2019;61:297–304.
    Study on validity of the National Examination based on smart device based test(SBT) by 7 types of healthcare occupation. The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services. Korean J Emerg Med Ser. 2018; 22(3):7-34
    The Clinical Effect with the Use of Gel Anesthesia within Gingival Sulcus during Scaling. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2018;18(5):319-326
    Antimicrobial Effect of Acanthopanax sessiliflorum Fruit Extracts against Selected Oral Bacteria. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2018;18(3):147-154
    The Cytotoxic Effect of Oral Wet Wipes on Gingival Cells. J Dent Hyg Sci. 2018;18(2):76-84
    Participation Status and Requirements in Oral Health Care Services for the Elderly in the Gyeonggi Province of Korea. Korean Journal of Clinical Dental Hygiene. 2018;6:1-9
    EGF enhances low-invasive cancer cell invasion by promoting IMP-3 expression. Tumor Biol. 2016;37:2555–2563
    Development of test for Korean functional health literacy in dentistry. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg. 2016;16(3):355-362
    A Survey on the Current Usage of Autogeneous Tooth-derived Bone Alternative Material in Local Dental Clinics. Korean Journal of Clinical Dental Hygiene. 2015;3(2):21-29
    Comparative analysis of carrier systems for delivering bone morphogenetic proteins. J Periodontal Implant Sci (Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science) 2015;45:136-144
    Guided bone regeneration using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC)-cross-linked type-I collagen membrane with biphasic calcium phosphate at rabbit calvarial defects. Biomaterials Research. 2015;19:15
    Alveolar Bone Resorption Induced by CD4( )CD45RB High-Density T-Cell Transfer in Immunocompromised Mice. Journal of Periodontology. 2014;85(9):e339-47
    Characterization of the Enhanced Bone Regenerative Capacity of Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells Engineered to Express the Gene Encoding Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2014;20(15-16):2189-99
    Optimal medium formulation for the long-term expansion and maintenance of human periodontal ligament stem cells. Journal of Periodontology. 2013;84(10):1434-44
    Volumetric bone regenerative efficacy of biphasic calcium phosphate-collagen composite block loaded with rhBMP-2 in vertical bone augmentation model of a rabbit calvarium. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2012;100(12):3304-13 * Erratum in: J Biomed Mater Res A. 2013;101(4):1223. Jeong, Im-Hee [corrected to Jung, Im-Hee].
    Anti-inflammatory effect of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-stimulated fibroblasts and stem cells derived from human periodontal ligament. Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science. 2012;42(6):185-95
    Novel application of human periodontal ligament stem cells and water-soluble chitin for collagen tissue regeneration: in vitro and in vivo investigations. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2012;18(5-6):643-53
    Induction of bone formation by Escherichia coli-expressed recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 using block-type macroporous biphasic calcium phosphate in orthotopic and ectopic rat models. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2011;46(6):682-90
    Effect of seeding using an avidin-biotin binding system on the attachment of periodontal ligament fibroblasts to nanohydroxyapatite scaffolds: three-dimensional culture. Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science. 2011;41(2):73-8
    Isolation and characterization of human periodontal ligament (PDL) stem cells (PDLSCs) from the inflamed PDL tissue: in vitro and in vivo evaluations. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2011;38(8):721-31
    Enhanced adipogenic differentiation and reduced collagen synthesis induced by human periodontal ligament stem cells might underlie the negative effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 on periodontal regeneration. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2011;46(2):193-203
    Mechanism of alveolar bone loss in a collagen-induced arthritis model in mice. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2011;38(2):122-30
    Effect of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on maintaining the periodontal ligament cell viability of avulsed teeth: a preliminary study. Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science. 2011;41(1):10-6
  • 수상실적

  • 2022.10.22. 한국치위생과학회 신진학술상
    2017.07.02. 대한치과위생사협회 종합학술대회 연구포스터 우수상
    2013.05.31. 한국조직공학재생의학 학술대회 연구논문 포스터 우수상
    2012.11.25. 대한치주과학회 종합학술대회 연구포스터 우수상
    2009.11.29. 대한치주과학회 종합학술대회 연구포스터 최우수상
  • 연구분야

  • 임상치위생학, 치주학, 전문직종간교육(IPE), 노인치위생학, 디지털 덴티스트리, 치과임플란트학
  • 리스트